Harfenlabor presents an online lecture held on Zoom, on April 17, 2021, on Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger with two speakers: Anne Marie Dragosits, harpsichord player, with “New information on Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger - with special focus on his material for the basso continuo”; and Michele Pasotti, lutenist, with “Passaggi per suonare sopra la parte. Kapsperger and other 17th century Italian sources for basso continuo on the theorbo.”
This lecture on Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger places a special focus on Kapsperger’s vision of a good continuo player accompanying the voice, as demonstrated in his published material for basso continuo. In historical performance practice, plucked instruments, as well as keyboard instruments, very often shared the repertoire—historical harpists therefore find great benefit in researching material written for theorbo or lute. Both Dragosits and Pasotti are also continuo players with valuable insights into Kapsperger realisations and treatises.
Dragosits is also the author of the recently published biography, Giovanni Girolamo Kapsperger “Ein ziemlich extravaganter Mann” (Lucca: Lim, 2020).
© Harfenlabor 2021
Licensed under CC BY-NC International 4.0
“Giovanni Girolamo Kapsberger," online Zoom lecture by Anne Marie Dragosits and Michele Pasotti, moderated by Margret Köll, May 5, 2021, Harfenlabor.com, Zoom recording, 02:55:57, https://www.harfenlabor.com/research/giovanni-girolamo-kapsberger/.